Sunday, March 28, 2010

Kau doktor hatiku

Don't you ever wish there is such thing as a "heart" doctor?

I do. Ever since I realize that I don't really have total control of what is in my heart, I wish there is a person that I can go to - with tools, charts and antibiotics to make my heart as good as new.

I wish the person could scan my heart, show me what's it made of, then cut out all the bad feelings that I have. After that, he/she can give me "antibiotics" and exercise regime to make sure the problematic parts won't appear again.

Wouldn't this world be much better place if such person do exist?

We had one before, longgg before our times. Unfortunately, we were not among the chosen ones to receive his consultations directly.


aidie said...

err.Dr Burke? :D

The Tea Drinker said...

keeeeeep on looking, hun.

Hunny said...

Burke left Yang at the altar. If I do see him, I'll be stabbing his heart instead :P heheh

TeaD, any references? ;)

Ms B said...

But Yang now has Hunt, who is even yummier for his flaws. Burke was too perfect.

Happy looking Hunny! ;-)

Hunny said...

Ok, have to agree with you on that, Hunt is definitely yummier. ;)

But somehow, I feel he has more chemistry with Teddy than with Yang. I'm sure there will be further drama with these 3 characters :)

On a personal note, I think maybe I need to have a change of environment to find my own "heart" doctor :)

Abu Khalifah said...

Rasulullah SAW. =)