Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Pain and heartache exist when you care too much about life" - hunny, 2010


:: LadyVerde + Mr.Doc :: said...

so then....just chill :D
take one step at a time

The Tea Drinker said...

"u get a lot of 'em if u stop caring too!" - teaDrinker (not sure about the year and date but pretty sure it wasn't a wednesday)

The Tea Drinker said...

oh wait. it IS a wednesday!

Hunny said...

Verde, trying to :)

Hunny said...

TeaD, was that from one of your post? Which one?

I need to come up with a daily mantra. My colleague, who is a picture of calmness and stress-free used the mantra "it's just work". Whatever challenges that comes her way, "it's just work".

I wanted to use that as well but my mentor told me to get a more uplifting one.

The one that keeps playing in my head right now ...

"just keep swimming, just keep swimming" (with Dory's body movement included) hehe