Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I have until Thursday to think of my next move that will determine whether is this just another check or is it already checkmate.

And I thought I had already killed their Queen.


And the 'chess' match between my team and the no-sense vendor team continues....


The Tea Drinker said...

you can always shoot the king from under the chess table. it's messy. but fun.

aidie said...

good luck mate

The Tea Drinker said...

so? outcome?

did everybody go to court or what?

Hunny said...

Well, basically I've lost my Queen, Bishop, Horsie, and Castle already. Now trying to push my pawn over the other side so that I can regain back my Queen and protect the King from being checked. Haihh...so yeah...not looking good at the moment, but still in the game.

Oh ya, explore that shoot-the-king option (or shoot the hand that is playing the king), but couldn't find the bullet to load the gun. So have to scrap that :P