Sunday, August 16, 2009

My personal birthday gift

I have always been fascinated with Scotland; its clan, its cultures, its language. I love reading books that set its scene in Scotland and of Scottish people. When I first got to UK, it has been in my "list of things to do when in UK" to do a roadtrip to Scotland. Alhamdulillah, just before my birthday, I had the chance to do so.

Though my early ambition was to do a roadtrip up to Fort William, we had to make do with just visiting Edinburgh and Oban. But it was enough. Edinburgh was not as per my expectation. I didn't realize how crowded it was there, that the city I think has lost its beauty. Furthermore, I've always been more interested to see the countryside rather than the city. From Edinburgh we cross the whole Scotland from East to the otherside of the country, to the scenic little seaside town of Oban. I got to know about Oban from a friend's facebook album and fell in love with the natural beauty of the place. And Oban did not disappoint me. It was really beautiful. And the drive towards there were also wonderful. We stopped over at Stirling and Loch Lomond on the way and a few other scenic spots to take pictures. But truly, no camera can really capture the beauty of the place.

An old bridge in Stirling, Scotland

Loch Lomond, Scotland

One of many streams that we passed in the journey

View of the Highlands (err I think!)

Loch Long, Scotland

Beautiful Oban, Scotland


Ms B said...


which one that has the lochness monster? never been to scotland. the furthest i reached was newcastle (when I was young with andrenaline rush which was a llooooongg time ago).

Anyway, hope it's not too late to wish you happy birthday (or have I? memory sucks big time).

Hunny said...

Thanks Ms B :)

If you want to find Nessie (the real one not Renasme *wink*), you would need to head further north towards Inverness. The road that you'll use, A82 stretches alongside Loch Ness. That's the name of the loch which the monster was named after.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to go that far up. Maybe next time kalau ada rezeki :)